Helping you decode the science so you can transform your health.

Heart Disease root causes – and the tests that can save your life ! #LCHF

My talk recorded at the May 11th Dublin Cardiovascular event, prior to the free screening of The Widowmaker Movie. Event organised by Alan Crean of DCU, sponsored by David Bobbett and the team – and a great night it was too! Soon to follow will be footage of other content including our superb Q&A panel, who had answer audience questions for 2 hours – highly engaging discussions 🙂

We had around 200 people in this excellent lecture theatre – not bad for an event starting at 6pm on a Wednesday evening 🙂 The punters got a lot of value out of the 4-hour session I think. Further material to be released includes introductions, an impassioned talk by David Bobbett, a cardiovascular intro by cardiologist Ross Murphy – and excerpts from the two-hour Q&A session 8pm-10pm. The latter became quite heated at times – which is the way I like it…! First to be released is my introductory talk – I hope you see fit to share widely. We all need to be talking about this. We really do. Please for more compelling content – always for free…

As I discuss above, Hyperinsulinemia is of enormous importance with respect to cardiovascular and all-cause mortality. Dr. Joseph R Kraft made huge scientific findings with profound insight – all the way back in the 1970’s. It is a disgrace that his discoveries have also been supressed, partly due to the ridiculous ‘cholesterol’ beliefs:

The lineup and details of the superb guys who comprised our Q&A panel is in this link:
 (Professor of Cardiology Sherif Sultan got called to an emergency case, and sadly we missed his presence – but we’ll get him next time!). Question and Answer Session below – we don’t pull punches in Ireland, oh no – see also David Bobbett’s inspirational talk and the blistering Q&A sessions below !!!


Ivor Cummins BE(Chem) CEng MIEI


Q&A PART 1/3:

Q&A PART 2/3:

Q&A PART 3/3:

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