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How to Fix Insulin, Glucagon and Glucose in T2 Diabetics? Lower Carb. #LCHF2015

Not sure if this paper got aired before much, but it’s a zinger – big thanks to Dr. Tommy Wood for pointing me towards it; he noted that without solid carb restriction, replacing carbs with beef protein doesn’t help the hyperinsulinemia at all, although it does help the Blood Glucose. In this experiment however, although they still OD’d the poor guys on animal protein (30% of diet here), they saved their bacon by lowering the carb considerably – and got a result! (Imagine they lowered the carb to 10% rather than 20, and lowered the protein to ~15%? Ah well, can only expect so much from fat-phobic researchers).

Type II Diabetes is an Insulin Resistance problem, caused by Hyperinsulinemia – and manifests itself in increasing Blood Glucose levels. So we have too much Insulin, and too much Blood Glucose – terrible twins if you will. So how did they collapse the Insulin, AND collapse the Blood Glucose – leading to a virtuous double-whammy of improving health?  Why, they lowered the carb right down (sadly maintaining the silly high levels of protein – duh). The paper (and they didn’t even lower the carb far enough):

The standard High Carb diet as control was understandably rubbish for all the metrics, but let’s look at the (somewhat lowered) ‘Low Carb’ Diet’s effect:

Excerpts below – dig that Insulin drop (5 weeks lowered to 20% carb shown by solid circles):

Dig that Blood Glucose drop (5 weeks lowered to 20% carb shown by solid circles):

Dig that Triglyceride drop (5 weeks lowered to 20% carb shown by solid circles):

Dig that HbA1c drop (5 weeks lowered to 20% carb shown by solid circles):

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