Delighted on Friday to screen Donal O’Neill’s excellent new movie: ‘Cereal Killers 2: Run on Fat’ to a large audience; this is a highly informative and entertaining run through the benefits of high fat diets – for long term health, and for elite athletic performance. We had a great reception to the movie, and good Q&A session afterwards. Content of this particular video is:
00:00:00–00:04:42 Brief overview of the recent, spectacularly successful Low-Carb Summit in Cape Town (
00:04:43–00:16:45 A 10 minute primer on the dangers of high carb dietary guidelines, using the example of the Diabetes epidemic – thanks to Dr. Jason Fung for the use of some of his material 🙂
00:16:46 A 30 minute Q&A session with a technically astute audience directly following the ‘Run on Fat screening – they loved the film, and maybe even my dulcet tones on the science behind it !
Yours in LCHF health
Link to ‘Run on Fat’ :
Link to Low Carb Summit:
Dr. Jason Fung’s excellent talk on Diabetes: