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#CANCER : Patient advocacy funded Movie – both Free and Fascinating. #Engineering Approach

Watched this last night, link from (Wyant thanks). Well made and thought provoking.

Three highly intelligent, accomplished technical/academic types refuse to accept almost certain death within 24 months from Glioblastoma, choosing instead to strike out with an engineering approach. They research extensively on all the positive factors that could synergistically save them. Fascinatingly, they succeed with the self-treatment cocktail they discover, achieving incredibly atypical survival. The survivors are dismissed by the spancelled system; even though this diseaseis so almost never conquered. How is it that three independent people achieve long term survival with a unique approach – the only three who do something targeted, happen to just get an incredibly rare results by chance? I suspect that if you had a thosand similar technical types who followed suit, and compared their outcome to a random thousand who get the orthodox mono-treatment – you could soon end up with a rout on your hands:


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