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Short Informational Video on CAC / Calcium Scanning – dodge that Heart Attack!

A short professional summary of Calcium Scanning technology, and what it can offer to the millions with hidden heart disease. Remember that since 2013, CAC is in the US and European guidelines – recommended for ‘middle-risk’ people. These are the largest group – where MOST heart attacks occur! So why aren’t we using this amazing test, that takes a few minutes – and actually SEES the atherosclerotic disease itself? Well sadly, most doctors (and even cardiologists) have no idea of its power – for business-centric and other reasons. But all potential US Presidents and astronauts MUST have a CAC scan before taking office – because it is the ultimate test for heart disease presence. So don’t sell yourself short – your life is as important as those guys, right? At the end of this post is a short primer on the important root causes you can address to resolve atherosclerosis (if your score is indeed high)

For more details see

…and see the riveting Widowmaker Movie at Netflix USA:

…or on iTunes:

And after seeing the movie, would you still want to depend on ‘risk factors’ to guess if you have serious heart disease and all-cause mortality risk? Hardly – look at those so-called ‘risk factors’ versus CAC in predicting death below:

 CAC   sees   the disease -  and how bad that disease is :
CAC sees the disease – and how bad that disease is :

You want another view of how powerfully your CAC score predicts death, if you don’t take action? Ok then, have a look:

 CAC: Nothing comes close in telling you how it is inside
CAC: Nothing comes close in telling you how it is inside

You want to roll the dice with that noisy BS ‘Framingham Risk’ confection? I wouldn’t if I were you – I’d get a CAC scan, and find out where you really stand:

 Trust your future to Framingham? You're joking - right?
Trust your future to Framingham? You’re joking – right?

How about Aortic calcification predicting disaster events? Yep, no surprises – same story. Makes ‘cholesterol’ risk look like a sick joke:

 Just look at the difference in those survival rates...
Just look at the difference in those survival rates…

Like to see a tiny subset of the CAC /Calcification studies that show how this technology absolutely blows away CIMT and all the other ‘risk factors’, rendering them redundant? Ok then:

 Yeah - that's why CAC is now enshrined in the US and European guidelines for middle-risk (i.e. most) people. It blows away the other fluff-tests.
Yeah – that’s why CAC is now enshrined in the US and European guidelines for middle-risk (i.e. most) people. It blows away the other fluff-tests.

Is YOUR life worth as much as a US president or an astronaut. I’m damn sure mine is. I think yours probably is too. Get a scan, and take action if needed – it ain’t too hard to fix the big problems – short video below gives you a primer!

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