It was an honour and a privilege to speak yesterday at the British Association for Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation (BACPR) annual conference.
A huge thanks to President-elect Dr. Scott Murray, President Dr. Joe Mills, Executive Director Sally Hinton and Scientific Officer Dr. Aynsley Cowie – for affording me the opportunity to share an alternative technical view of the root causes and primary markers for CVD.
No-one has all the answers, no-one has a monopoly on the truth. It is by discussing and debating the science that we will progress against the enormous disease burden our society faces.
I was proud to join all the other excellent speakers who are striving to make a difference in this great challenge we need to face in the coming decades.
My talk is somewhat uncompromising, and may even appear dogmatic. The content and messages are however driven by the hardest of science and the most decisive data available. I hope you enjoy the talk…and not least – the controversial conclusions that I reach.
Ivor Cummins BE(Chem) CEng MIEI PMP©
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