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“Killing for Profit?” at the European Parliament * Streaming Live * 12th April !

This topic of profiteering in the food and drug industries has been around for some time. While the intentions and motivations can be debated, the outcomes have been clear.

Why did we get food guidelines which inexplicably placed processed foods like bread and pasta ahead of real foods like meat, fish and eggs? Why has chronic disease been blossoming for decades in the population – in spite of the latter becoming increasingly mass-medicated? 

We now face a population-wide tsunami of obesity, diabetes and many other chronic diseases – which will break the world’s health systems.

This debacle needs to be debated at the highest level. And it needs to be streamed for all to view.

And it will be ! Can we generate a million people watching across the globe? Hopefully so.Tune in…otherwise you’ll simply be tuning out ! For details click below:

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