The Widowmaker Movie short version – now adds Portuguese, Serbian and Estonian subtitles ! Many other languages on the way. So no matter your nationality, you can Know your Score. And take action – before it’s too late. Please share with your Brazillian/Portuguese, Serbian and Estonian friends and help them share within their communities.
A huge thanks to:
* Dr. Erik Neves, Rodrigo Polesso and Janete Saraiva (Portuguese / Brazil)
* Mihailo Jojic (Serbian)
* Aet Sarapuu & Art Uruk (Estonian) and * Eric Van Royen and Guido Vogel (Dutch)
They translated the subtitles perfectly and pro bono. Kudos to these great guys, who are prepared to be far more than bystanders in this fight for the people’s health. Simply click on the “settings” gear symbol on bottom right and choose captions, language of choice:
Click below image to watch the movie:
Summary: many of you LCHF and Keto-knowledgeable peeps may already be doing the right stuff to prevent progression – that’s super. But what about the other 99% of people in the world, who have no clue of the correct nutritional interventions for heart disease? Who are racking up calcium unknowingly, while munching their “healthy wholegrains”? They are entitled to that wake-up call – please share so these people with hidden heart disease can take action. They will come to realize that they’ve been scammed through decades of bad nutritional advice. Then they will search and find the correct solutions, understanding that something huge was amiss and the “system” essentially failed them. Heart disease can be managed and progression halted – but first you need to know that you have it.
Request for help: I am looking for people to translate the subtitle file into Chinese particularly for loading into Youtube – if you know anyone who can help, it would be greatly appreciated ! Email – thanks in advance!
Please do use the share button below, to help wake the people…!