Dropped in to Amber O’Hearn’s https://carnivorycon.com/ and managed to catch up with none other than Mikhaila Peterson. We of course discussed the extraordinary affect that certain elimination diets can have on a range of profound autoimmune illnesses. Yes we’re talking about the new kid on the nutritional block – the Carnivore Diet.
What struck me most was the logical approach and sheer determination she displayed in decoding the root causes in a highly complex personal situation. This is an incredibly difficult thing to achieve – especially when under the influence of neurological issues related to your condition. In short – amazing stuff.
I trust that you will find the conversation as compelling as I did – there is so much we don’t know – but then there is what works. And “what works” is, of course, crucial – when faced with the most severe challenges in your life!
New TRANSCRIPT at bottom of post – edited and corrected by Paula Nedved – thanks so much Paula !
00:35 Mikhaila’s scary story from the early years
06:18 Suicidal thoughts, chronic fatigue, resilience and fighting back
10:11 Autoimmune, skin conditions and diet’s role
16:26 Diet inducing 85% improvement in arthritis and symptoms
22:31 Father Jordan becomes intrigued by transformation, great progress but Soy destroys! Amazing “lag times” before the food factor hits
29:32 Trajectory to the ultimate-elimination Carnivore diet – “needs must”.
39:12 The art of problem-solving applied.
41:54 It ain’t the exercise peeps. Mood-enhancement and happiness through diet.
46:58 C.Difficile and microbiome transplants
49:22 Vitamin and mineral deficiencies?
52:39 Power of elimination, dairy issues, ApoE4 notes – conclusion “we’re doing good – crazy good in the end”