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Is this the Most Important Viral Reality Video, You Will Ever See?

Genuine question – is it, do you think? And I only use freely-available government data here. So is it? The source article for the Sweden Data: Please share as widely as possible – you can download the compressed video here, to upload anywhere: NOTE: My extensive research and interviewing  / video/sound editing and

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Ep119: STATE OF FEAR! How the Government used Science of Psychology to Delude Us

Myself and Laura Dodsworth discuss her new book: “STATE OF FEAR – How the UK government weaponised fear during the Covid-19 pandemic.” A superb read explaining how the Government used the science of psychology to delude us into a form of mass psychosis. Learn how to innoculate yourself against these totalitarian methods! The book:

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Ep119: Brian Lenzkes MD: Dissecting the Viral Issue – Philosophically and Scientifically!

The Super-Smart Brian Lenzkes MD had me on his excellent “Life’s Best Medicine” Podcast – please subscribe here: Brian wanted to explore the WHOLE Covid phenomenon – including the psychological and philosophical forces; so not just the science. We cover the gamut – no holds barred!  AUDIO PODCAST HERE: NOTE: My extensive research

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Ep116: The Return of our Swedish Doctor, Explaining it ALL!

Had an excellent and data-packed convo with our excellent Swedish ER doc – Sebastian Rushworth MD – we cover the whole gamut! His new book is an absolute zinger, and written so that laypeople can understand it all – GET IT HERE: NOTE: My extensive research and interviewing  / video/sound editing and much more

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