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Blood Pressure: Ivor and Vegan Cardiologist Joel Kahn Discuss

Short one today guys, as I again find common ground with one of America’s top Vegan cardiologists – Dr. Joel Kahn. Here we discuss the epidemic of elevated blood pressure, and what you can do beyond diet and lifestyle to boost your Nitric Oxide. It’s a bit salesy maybe, but enjoy! As discussed, if you

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Ep151: What’s Another Year? Johnny Logan Reveals All!

Something a little different today – I caught up with Eurovision sensation Johnny Logan, and had a great conversation on overcoming adversity and reclaiming greatness – it requires courage, character, tenacity and gumption! Johnny’s page for all of his great music: NOTE: My extensive research and interviewing / video/sound editing, business travel and much

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Live from Mainstream GB News Studio – super discussion on Pandemic Anxiety and More! Ep143

As per the title, I was invited for a 20 minute live panel discussion in GB News Studio: Pandemic Anxiety States, Real Risk Realities, Psychological Damage caused and more! IMPORTANT: The John’s Hopkin’s study mentioned is the tip of the iceberg against lockdown – please see here:   Also, the media campaign against the study

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FINALLY a Clinical Trial on Facemasks in Children – Parents Take Note!

NON-CENSORABLE as this is a simple summary of study * just published in the Journal of the American Medical Association – JAMA * ALL Parents should be aware of the emerging science – their kids are THEIR responsibility. Download the vid here: NOTE: My extensive research and interviewing / video/sound editing and much more

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Ep114: Cholesterol Conundrums Revisited – with Dr. Jonny Bowden PhD

Caught up with Jonny a while back and talked all things cholesterol – we didn’t hold back on the nonsense of it all!  Jonny’s new book, bang up to date: As mentioned at the start of the pod, there’s a seriously sinister censorship drive afoot – so please do sign up to my Odysee

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