Ep173 Meet with the Pioneers in Heart Disease Prevention :-)
Great to meet up for a brief chat with our super Pioneer group participants from 2022 programs 😀 Pioneer Program details at this link: https://www.weloveourheart.com/hello
Great to meet up for a brief chat with our super Pioneer group participants from 2022 programs 😀 Pioneer Program details at this link: https://www.weloveourheart.com/hello
Want to know the answers to ultimate health, productivity and longevity? Well look no further – here it is! Enjoy a selection of content from the world’s top experts in health optimization and chronic disease prevention – all taken from our recent blockbuster conference 😀 For full download of more than 12 hours of entertaining
Really enjoyed this short pod with the Lovely Sheri Ruano, Cardiac Rehabilitation expert – see her NHS cardiac support system here: https://rhythmiabreath.com/ As mentioned during the discussion, our second Online Conference is happening this November 19th & 20th. A weekend of the best speakers across a range of inspirational and educational topics, to super-charge your
Hey all, myself and Mark Felstead of We Love Our Heart have been working behind the scenes for weeks now, to deliver our second Online Conference -this November 19th & 20th! A weekend of the best speakers across a range of inspirational and educational topics, to super-charge your efforts towards longevity, weight loss, productivity &
Great to meet up with cardiac colleague Mark Felstead and one of our super Pioneer group participants – details of our short discussion are available at https://www.weloveourheart.com/2022 😀
Ep133 Heart Attack Disasters – what about the horrifying experience for the partners/family – and how to deal with it? We discuss with Mark Felstead and his wife Steffi – the partner who was left reeling when Mark suffered a massive heart attack. Also find our “We Love Our Heart team” here, and check them
Super High Calcium (CAC) Score? Well today’s guest has a dizzying one, and he’s not bothered! We discuss the reason why. Also find our “We Love Our Heart team” here, and check them out! https://www.weloveourheart.com/home-page1596013864407 NOTE: My extensive research and interviewing / video/sound editing and much more does require support – please consider helping if
Helping you decode the science so you can transform your health.