Ep153 Heart Disease Prevention – Meet the WLOH Pioneers!
Great to meet up with cardiac colleague Mark Felstead and one of our super Pioneer group participants – details of our short discussion are available at https://www.weloveourheart.com/2022 😀
Great to meet up with cardiac colleague Mark Felstead and one of our super Pioneer group participants – details of our short discussion are available at https://www.weloveourheart.com/2022 😀
Live from the amazing country that is Croatia! I went there to meet with the super-smart Professor Gordan Lauc, official advisor to the Croatian Government on Pandemic Management Strategy. I also met with some other key individuals, and had a great time in one of the most unrestricted countries in Europe 🙂 We cover everything
Something a little different today – I caught up with Eurovision sensation Johnny Logan, and had a great conversation on overcoming adversity and reclaiming greatness – it requires courage, character, tenacity and gumption! Johnny’s page for all of his great music: https://johnnylogan.com/ NOTE: My extensive research and interviewing / video/sound editing, business travel and much
Interested in emerging Ketogenic Treatments, which look to be gamechangers? Well here is my second short interview from Keto Live 2022 – with the impressive Bess Zupec-Kania. She explains the promising ketogenic treatments which will change the face of healthcare! (The study I featured up front: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyt.2022.951376/full ) For CME credits a plenty, at your
Title Says it all – HOW the world fell into Mass Formation. This finally closes any questions left remaining. You can cut directly to the crucial explanation of Mass Formation: https://youtu.be/dPisp_VgEO8?t=990 For all the people who wonder: “but HOW did we over-react so much – HOW did all the experts lose it??” – well here
Is meat bad for you? Does meat cause cancer? Does it cause heart disease, or is it a superfood? Are organ meats particularly…the most nutrient-dense foods on our planet? These and all questions answered in this excellent conversation! My offer from New Zealand friend Warren Matthews here – just use code “IVOR15” International: https://www.xtend-life.com/products/organ-ultra UK: https://uk.xtend-life.com/products/organ-ultra
Interested in emerging Cancer Treatments, which may be gamechangers? Well here is my first short interview from Keto Live 2022 – with the compelling Dr. Jean-Pierre Spinosa. He explains the exciting new technology of Ferroptosis, short and impactful stuff! For CME credits a plenty, at your own pace and via fascinating talks – go here!
Wow – I finally met with none other than Professor Jay Bhattacharya of Stanford – what a privilege! https://healthpolicy.fsi.stanford.edu/people/jay_bhattacharya And here is our short but seriously insightful conversation – please SHARE to help people understand the past two years! NOTE: My extensive research and interviewing / video/sound editing and much more does require support –
Yep guys we have Europe’s top immunologist back in the hot seat (it was rather hot in Bern, Switzerland last week when we recorded this!). Professor Stadler’s CV: https://expertinova.com/page/cv-bedastadler We discuss everything and muse on whether we were right or wrong on the various aspects of Corona, back in those heady days of 2020. So
As per the title, I was invited for a 20 minute live panel discussion in GB News Studio: Pandemic Anxiety States, Real Risk Realities, Psychological Damage caused and more! IMPORTANT: The John’s Hopkin’s study mentioned is the tip of the iceberg against lockdown – please see here: https://thefatemperor.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Evidence-For-and-Against-the-Effectiveness-of-Lockdown-Policies-NPI-Rev-C2.pdf Also, the media campaign against the study
Ben Greenfield: super guy, packed with performance and scientific insights – great short chat! NOTE: My extensive research and interviewing / video/sound editing and much more does require support – please consider helping if you can with monthly donation to support me directly, or one-off payment: https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=69ZSTYXBMCN3W – alternatively join up with my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/IvorCummins
Blown away the other day when I came across Stephen Petty (B.S.Ch.E. M.S.Ch.E. M.B.A.) and his evidence deposition at a USA public hearing – I took an excerpt, fixed up the audio levels and just had to release it as a podcast! But don’t worry – I’ll be getting him on to the podcast as
Great conversation with Mark Felstead of We Love Our Heart – packed with clips from our excellent profs and docs from our online conference last week! Look and learn – how to be the healthiest, happiest you 😀 All talks, Q&A’s and bonus material now available at https://www.weloveourheart.com/register – for $39 only – a day
Graham Phillips is a pharmacist with a difference – a big difference – and he’s a super-smart pal of mine. Today he interviewed me for a change – I go through my history briefly, then we dive into all of the really crucial things you need to understand for your health! As mentioned, don’t forget
Met up with Dr. Stephen Hussey again to have a fascinating Heart Understanding chat. Stephen’s new book available now here, but google the title and you’ll find it everywhere: Understanding the Heart As mentioned, for viral-type content go to my Odysee channel for latest releases of science and data-packed analysis: https://odysee.com/@IvorCummins NOTE: My extensive research
Dr. Donal Collins is a super-smart UK GP (family doctor) – today we have a super discussion on his highly successful Virta-style T2 Diabetes remission program! We have Donal and Gabor to explain the approach and the new Insulin Testing Meters – available now for consumer as well as desk-top machine for doctors/clinics etc. Our
Nice chat with my NZ pal Warren Matthews on a new product he and team have developed. Warren wanted it for himself, and we discuss the rationale involving nitric oxide, vasodilation, blood pressure reduction and many other aspects… Links to take advantage of my special offer (use code “IVORVASQ20”) – with 20% off first order
Met up with the super-smart William Davis, MD for a discussion on the importance of a healthy Gut Microbiome. Very revealing! William’s new book available now here, but google the title and you’ll find it everywhere: SUPERGUT Also here’s a review from my brilliant pal Michael Eades, MD: https://www.proteinpower.com/super-gut/ The new team I’m working with
Ep133 Heart Attack Disasters – what about the horrifying experience for the partners/family – and how to deal with it? We discuss with Mark Felstead and his wife Steffi – the partner who was left reeling when Mark suffered a massive heart attack. Also find our “We Love Our Heart team” here, and check them
This conversation truly is the last word on the process of heart disease & atherosclerosis – no-one can claim to be in the dark after this one! Malcolm’s superb new book here: The Clot Thickens on Amazon See podcast index below (timestamps clickable) so you can navigate: 00:00:08 Introduction 00:08:07 What DOES NOT cause Heart
Nice chat with my NZ pal Warren Matthews on a new product to help counter anxiety issues – a major worldwide issue, exacerbated hugely by the pandemic responses and policies. Here we find out what Warren is doing about it! Links to take advantage of my special offer (use code “ivorsaffron20”) – with 20% off
Super High Calcium (CAC) Score? Well today’s guest has a dizzying one, and he’s not bothered! We discuss the reason why. Also find our “We Love Our Heart team” here, and check them out! https://www.weloveourheart.com/home-page1596013864407 NOTE: My extensive research and interviewing / video/sound editing and much more does require support – please consider helping if
Just did a lecture to University Nutrition Department guys – they loved it! I really think this is a hot one that covers so much, great Q&A questions also – please share! #Cholesterol #LDL #Insulin #LCHF #Prevention – it’s all in here… The book with everything: EAT RICH LIVE LONG https://www.amazon.co.uk/Eat-Rich-Live-Long-Mastering-ebook/dp/B07B8FMFRQ Here is Cholesterol Conundrum:
I’ve been supporting a fantastic new heart attack prevention endeavor led by Mark Felstead in Germany – but it’s international as you will see. Find the team here and check them out! https://www.weloveourheart.com/home-page1596013864407 NOTE: My extensive research and interviewing / video/sound editing and much more does require support – please consider helping if you can
Caught up with Aseem in London and we riffed on the realities of statins, versus fixing the root causes 🙂 His new book here is perfect for the layperson and doctors too – clears it all up! Available now on Amazon and many other sources: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Statin-Free-Life-revolutionary-tackling-disease/dp/1529354102 On the GG front, links below to take advantage
Hey guys we finally hit mainstream, and talked HARD DATA and Real Science – here video version has SLIDES! – this is mainstream broadcasting authority radio – so no censorship, just open scientific discussion – free society stuff. (link to show episode: https://galwaybayfm.ie/podcasts/aug5th/ ) Please go to the Panel Discussion right here: https://thefatemperor.com/the-conversation-the-media-buried-but-it-will-never-die/ DOWNLOAD VIDEO
Great conversation with my NZ pal Warren Matthews on a new way to enhance energy levels and slow aging – it’s getting more and more press in recent years. It involves NAD+, the crucial component in our physiology that declines hugely with age, along with increasing DNA damage. Here we go through the basics and
KILLER PODCAST!!! The return of super-smart Professor Gordan Lauc, official advisor to the Croatian Government on Pandemic Management Strategy (so NON-CENSORABLE). We cover everything important – all safely based on published scientific papers, and official government reports. The science is rock-solid now, and the conclusions clear as they are going to be. NOTE: My extensive
We check back in with Mark Felstead on how he’s been doing – and he’s been transforming himself! He had got hammered by The Widowmaker itself – kept alive by his sports mates, and in a coma for 10 days. He now has a passion to help others! www.WeLoveOurHeart.com Mark has been delighted with the CX8
Delighted to have the learned and inspirational Dr. Barrie Tan back on the podcast! Last year we had a great conversation on the true story of Vitamin E, and explained the importance of Tocotrienols versus Tocopherol. This time Dr. Tan is bristling with his recent discoveries, and will reveal one of our body’s crucial components
Helping you decode the science so you can transform your health.