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Dr. Wortman and Ivor Cummins

Dr. Jay Wortman On Reversing Diabetes And More. Podcast #3

INDEX/CONTENTS: 00:00:48  Jay puts his newly-discovered Type 2 Diabetes into remission and starts losing weight with ease – after solving the problem from first principles 00:07:32  The challenge with mainstream high-carb dogma; dieticians behaving badly 00:12:06  Fixing what is essentially a “food intolerance”, and revising the guidelines so that all may benefit 00:20:06  Cholesterol “hyper-responders”

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Heart Attack Prevention. Dr. Scott Murray Cardiologist

Heart Attack Prevention. Dr. Scott Murray Cardiologist #2

Dr. Scott Murray is a research cardiologist with exceptional experience in interventional and preventative cardiology. He is a particular expert in the field of cardiac imaging and has published many papers on the compelling findings from both his invasive and non-invasive studies. Dr. Murray is the current president of the British Association of Cardiovascular Prevention

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