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Ep54_2 PART TWO of Should you get a Calcium Scan - The Big Debate - Kendrick Murray Cummins

Ep54_2 PART TWO of “Should you get a Calcium Scan???” – The Big Debate – Kendrick Murray Cummins

And now for the detailed PART TWO of the definitive discussion/debate on CAC value with Dr. Malcolm Kendrick, GP – and Dr. Scott Murray, Cardiologist. Note again that this is PART TWO which covers the detailed technical discussions on each point raised by Malcolm’s blog post last month ( – Part One of the debate,

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Ep53 Nadia Pateguana ND - Insulin PCOS and Fertility Resolution Explained

Ep53 Dr Nadia Pateguana ND – Insulin PCOS and Fertility Resolution Explained

Happy Monday! And today we have a riveting discussion with Dr. Nadia Petaguana ND – on women’s issues with PCOS and infertility challenges. Did you know that the vast majority of these issues were driven by something that is VERY addressable? Nadia here reveals the reality! Get her super book with full details here:

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Ep46 Dr. Stephen Hussy on Why is Heart Cancer so Rare? Find out here!

Ep46 Dr. Stephen Hussey on Why is Heart Cancer so Rare? Find out here!

Before enjoying this podcast, please help by subscribing for free here: and help us to get the message out; it only takes a second – thank you! Also please share as much if possible to help the people! Today’s podcast offers some provocative analyses on the mechanisms that lead to heart attacks. Keep in

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Podcast 41 – Low Inflammation High Healthy Fat Living – the Way to Go

Great conversation recently with Nick Paterson of – “Low Inflammation, High Fat Living”. Not everyone will like one of the core points made – especially the one about some people having significant issues with eating dairy products…!  But we must always openly discuss what may affect some people who are sensitive to certain foods –

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Ep38 JOAN IFLAND The Textbook on Processed Food Addiction

Ep38 JOAN IFLAND – The Textbook on Processed Food Addiction

Met up with Joan Ifland after her excellent and inspiring talk at Low Carb Seattle; she wrote a landmark book on processed food addiction many years ago, after years of research into the phenomenon. She has now produced the definitive textbook on this problem, for training people in university and classroom settings (btw Dr. Robert

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Ep35 Beating Food Addiction - with Expert Robert Cywes MD PhD

Ep35 Beating Food Addiction – with Expert Robert Cywes MD PhD

Caught up with the compelling Robert Cywes in Seattle a while back – what followed was a vibrant discussion on how food addiction (especially carbohydrates in processed food) – can cut us off at the knees. Our obesity and chronic disease epidemic isn’t an accident. There are causes, and they entrap people in a desperate

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Ep33 Paul Saladino MD is a Carnivore Doctor - What Does His Research Reveal

Ep33 Paul Saladino MD is a Carnivore Doctor What Does His Research Reveal?

The well-researched and articulate Paul Saladino MD – what a great discussion – see index below!   Paul is on Twitter as @MdSaladino and his Podcast is “Fundamental Health”   For full TRANSCRIPT, scroll down below index 00:00:51 Plant-Based good, Carnivore bad – it seems to most doctors 00:04:41 The baddest foods on the planet 00:08:04 Paleoanthropology

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