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Ep130 A Super-High Calcium Score? How to Deal with It!

Super High Calcium (CAC) Score? Well today’s guest has a dizzying one, and he’s not bothered! We discuss the reason why. Also find our “We Love Our Heart team” here, and check them out! NOTE: My extensive research and interviewing / video/sound editing and much more does require support – please consider helping if

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Supposed invite from mainstream for interview – believe it?

Got another interesting email the today, similar to the ones I’ve received from Newspapers planning hit-job articles. Common enough when you properly discuss science and data since March 2020. This time it’s coming from one of Ireland’s main newspapers – The Irish Independent.  Here’s my last interview on mainstream, after which they scurried back into

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The Covid Chronicles Movie IS NOW RELEASED!

Well here we are folks – it’s been a long road for the movie team and myself – but we have arrived! Get the movie below, and share like hell to reach the moderates (we have gone for download of the movie file rather than streaming). Note affiliate link available too – this may turn

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Covid Chronicles Movie

The Covid Chronicles Movie Premiere – Revealing Q&A Session!

MOVIE NOW RELEASED – GET IT HERE: Our Premiere in Stockholm, Sweden was a blast! Double the max expected attendance, full room stuff 🙂  Here is the Q&A session video, logic-packed discussion – with Dr. Sebastian Rushworth (Stockholm ER doc) Worldwide release of the movie is planned for tomorrow, Friday 26th November.  Watch this

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The Covid Chronicles Movie: Premiere this Sun 21st Nov – in SWEDEN!

MOVIE NOW RELEASED – GET IT HERE: Here we go chaps – it’s showtime! Our Premiere will be in Stockholm, Sweden – the Epicentre of the Epidemic. Please SHARE this opportunity with your Swedish friends and family…! *** This is a real-world in-person event where we will screen the movie, and do detailed Q&A

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Time to Think – The Basic Data says It All – Simplified and Clear!

Hey all here’s an update with selected data, showing pure reality. Also later I retread the crucial ground of the mandates/passport madness. Hopefully simple logic will yet help the deluded to wake up! NOTE: My extensive research and interviewing / video/sound editing and much more does require support – please consider helping if you can

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Ep128 A Pioneer Group in Heart Attack Prevention – Leadership Time!

I’ve been supporting a fantastic new heart attack prevention endeavor led by Mark Felstead in Germany – but it’s international as you will see. Find the team here and check them out! NOTE: My extensive research and interviewing / video/sound editing and much more does require support – please consider helping if you can

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One of the most fascinating videos on the “WHY” of Coronavirus Hysteria

Revealing talk on one major reason WHY science died in early 2020 – certainly one to share and open up the discussion:—Uncovering-the-Corona-Narrative—Aug-2021:8   Download the video for upload/sharing all platforms: FULL PDF TRANSCRIPT HERE:  Uncovering the Corona Narrative by Ernst_Wolff.pdf

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Viral Reality Check: What’s going on, but with real logic and science

Quick update on the evolving irrationality of our viral issue – couple of links below that were mentioned – DOWNLOAD IT HERE to share across platforms: Revealing talk on one major reason WHY science died in early 2020:—Uncovering-the-Corona-Narrative—Aug-2021:8   FULL PDF TRANSCRIPT HERE:  Uncovering the Corona Narrative by Ernst_Wolff.pdf Also our “Covid Chronicles” movie

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The Scientific Truth about Meat in Health and Climate - Share Time

The Scientific Truth about Meat in Health and Climate – Share Time!

Utterly brilliant talk, short and science-packed. As we face the next onslaught of anti-meat corruption, this could really help with getting the reality out to the public. You can support Brian in the links provided here: On the Organ Ultra offer, full links below – don’t forget “IVOR15” for the 15% discount, and welcome

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Ep127: A Statin Free Life Revealed – with Dr. Aseem Malhotra!

Caught up with Aseem in London and we riffed on the realities of statins, versus fixing the root causes 🙂  His new book here is perfect for the layperson and doctors too – clears it all up! Available now on Amazon and many other sources: On the GG front, links below to take advantage

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Ivor Cummins Interviewed on Mainstream Galway Bay FM Radio – a Sizzler!!!

Hey guys we finally hit mainstream, and talked HARD DATA and Real Science – here video version has SLIDES! – this is mainstream broadcasting authority radio – so no censorship, just open scientific discussion – free society stuff. (link to show episode: ) Please go to the Panel Discussion right here: DOWNLOAD VIDEO

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Ep. 126 - NAD+ and NR for Energy and Anti-Aging

Ep. 126: NAD+ and NR for Energy and Anti Aging!

Great conversation with my NZ pal Warren Matthews on a new way to enhance energy levels and slow aging – it’s getting more and more press in recent years. It involves NAD+, the crucial component in our physiology that declines hugely with age, along with increasing DNA damage. Here we go through the basics and

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Ep124: Question Everything: A FREE Summit – all Scientific People Should Attend!

Don’t miss this free online summit – our future depends on leadership like this! REGISTER NOW HERE:  – help to support this noble endeavor here: Top Tip – subscribe to my Odysee for Uncensored Science: (join up and then “follow” my channel) Audio Podcast here: NOTE: My extensive research and interviewing / video/sound

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Now you can do YOUR Part in Helping to Save Our Society

Now YOU can do YOUR Part in Helping to Save Our Society!

A group of patriotic professionals has completed a large print run of this data-filled leaflet – they are now delivering door-to-door across Ireland. All of you people out there who feel helpless against the absurd medical tyranny we find ourselves in, can now personally do something about it. Simply download the PDF below, print out

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FINALLY a Clinical Trial on Facemasks in Children – Parents Take Note!

NON-CENSORABLE as this is a simple summary of study * just published in the Journal of the American Medical Association – JAMA * ALL Parents should be aware of the emerging science – their kids are THEIR responsibility. Download the vid here: NOTE: My extensive research and interviewing / video/sound editing and much more

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A Short Crucial Update on the Delta Variant and Much More – #disbandNphet

A key update on the actual data and inferences, themed to coincide with yesterday’s outrageous #Nphet behavior in Ireland (but covers the world). Download the compressed vid here, to share across all platforms (just click yes twice, no need for login):    *** Remember the crucial hashtag to use when sharing: #disbandNphet *** NOTE:

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