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Cereal Killing at The Palm Restaurant New York ! #LCHF

Great dinner meeting at the Palm restaurant New York last Wednesday. With Professor Richard Feinman, Professor Eugene Fine, Dr. Aseem Malhotra, Donal O’Neill, Louise O’Neill, Dr. Kenneth Brookler, Dr. Steve Horvitz, Jill Knopoff and others. The Low Carbohydrate revolution continues apace. The guidelines will change to reflect proper science. We will banish those epidemiological, confounded

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Want to know if Type 2 Diabetes is in your future? Ok then.

Interesting paper this afternoon on Patterns of Insulin response during an OGTT (Oral Glucose Tolerance Test). These guys are using slightly different criteria than Kraft. Of course it’s a disgrace that they don’t reference Kraft (for whatever reason). They followed the 400 non-diabetic peeps for 10-11 years to see how the patterns predicted who would go

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Nick Mailer and Fat Emperor chat in London – Part 1

Finally met Nick Mailer himself in London (@bokkiedog on twitter) – to discuss important matters of the world. In part one we tackle the epidemiological claptrap of the ‘meat causes cancer’ ruse. What on earth is driving these people? For more always-free content please subscribe at Part 2 now available also: Please use the share

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The Big Fat Fix features on Sky News no less…!

Nice interview on Sky News with Dr. Aseem Malhotra – now that’s what I call primetime… 🙂 Download and watch The Big Fat Fix today at – time running out for special price. The movie is visually sumptuous, whilst containing many of the key elements to avoid Heart Disease, Obesity and Diabetes. It also

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Diabetes, Obesity and Heart Disease – let’s talk LIVER !

Fat Emperor and his present wife have lunch in the Royal College of General Practitioners, London. Dr. David Unwin is their learned guest – along with Sam Feltham, head of the UK’s Public Health Collaboration ( Primarily discussed is the pivotal nature of that crucial organ – the Liver. The Rosetta Stone of modern chronic

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Sam Feltham with Fat Emperor in London ! #LCHF

Firstly, get to and download the new movie ! After the premiere of same, I got to ‘Smash it Out’ with Sam Feltham in London. We had a great chat on the dismal failure of existing dietary guidelines. And revealed the science-based ones you can download at Better still, £4 will get you

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Dr David Unwin – at The Big Fat Fix premiere event London :-)

I finally got to meet Dr. David Unwin – and in the Houses of Parliament, no less! Don’t forget to download and watch the just-premiered movie here – not only super entertainment, it’llclarify a lot of what Dr. Unwin is fighting for:  For those of you who don’t know, David has been pioneering the use

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A MUST-WATCH: The Big Fat Fix movie is nearly here !

Following the first two excellent Cereal Killers movies, we are about to see the big enchilada. Number three from Donal O’Neill will be very special – and not just because Aseem Malhotra is the leading man ! The Big Fat Fix will explore the real root causes of heart disease. And yes, your dietary choices

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Recent Study on Fat Metabolism Behaviour of Brain Cancer? Clarification.

Ok I got a lot of queries about Fat driving Glioma-type brain cancers. Example: As always, the fat implicated in cancer will be omega 6 oils (see my previous posts). Anyway, I held my counsel and waited for Andrew Scarborough to do a piece on it. He has. I’ll leave it at that for

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#Atherosclerosis High Level Root Cause. The ApoB/LDLp Question.

Before we start, if you want to help move the science forward, please subscribe for free to ! That said, let’s get on with it: Been a bit of fun lately on the old web, what with talk of native, non-damaged LDLp’s burrowing into a single-cell endothelium’s and wreaking havoc with the help of

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Eating more Pasta makes you SLIMMER ! Who are these guys? #LCHF

Oh God. Latest internet messing is this study, sent on to me by a few questioners. I don’t have time to analyse these epidemiological bits of bias-fluff. What the hell though – I had a very quick look. Here is the study news bulletin: Here’s the epi-junk study itself: Here’s my 3-minute look

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20160703 Atherosclerosis illuminate PIGS

#ATHEROSCLEROSIS ILLUMINATED. Time to Progress. Even the Pigs Are.

UPDATE 7th July: The learned Peter Dobromylskyj of Hyperlipid has posted on this fascinating subject – ignore the cholesterol goons and get some education here 🙂                             What constitutes a valid, actionable ‘Root Cause’? I have my definition, been good for over 25 years of problem-solving: “When an Issue manifests itself, Root Cause is the

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Dietdoctor interview with Fat Emperor #LCHF #FattyLiver #GGT

My short interview with Andreas Eenfeldt, the Dietdoctor himself. Experience the best Low Carb Website here – everything you need for superior health and weight control: “Can an engineer know more about how to get healthy than his doctor, in fact more than his three doctors? When it comes to using nutrition, the answer

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#LCHF in the USA: Coming up fast: The Big San Diego Event !

I’m gonna be lazy ’cause it’s late – and steal Jeff Gerber’s fb post ! 🙂 “Hot off the press: Low Carb USA Asks “Is Our Government’s Dietary Advice Making Us Fatter and Sicker?” Super Speaker Lineup: See latest press release here: Everyone’s invited to this first-of-its-kind event being …held in the US,

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Fat Emperor Special – Cardiologist Bruce Brundage and the Power of #CAC

Fat Emperor interviews the Cardiology ‘Father of Calcium Scanning’ – Bruce Brundage MD. This man was pivotal in recognising the power of the CT Scan of the Heart, working closely with the Physicist inventor of this amazing technology (Doug Boyd PhD). They were trailblazers, driving a wonderful invention way back in the 1970’s. An invention that to

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