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The Centrality of the Sun: The Vitamin D Experts Speak – Listen….

Condensed Version: Full version: Dermatologists have misled us with misunderstood and narrow-focus science which has missed the big picture for decades. For an integrated, correct approach sit back and enjoy the real experts. 

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Vitamin D and Vitamin K2 – Two sides of a Critical Coin – a Janus Paradigm

Meant to do more on K2 recently but too busy – this is the easy way out; remember that any risk associated with being high in 25(OH)D is essentially mediated by your K2 level – so go high on both, and enjoy some synergistic disease mitigation! 

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Dr. Reinhold Vieth Again – 25(OH)D, This Time for PROSTATE CANCER Control

Go Reinhold – more vital analysis to balance the anti-science of the D-detractors. If only all researchers had your ability and your insight. Note his repeated engineering inferences early on – this is indeed engineering, and it’s about time – medical science has had decades to understand the mechanisms of 25(OH)D in the physiology, and generally the benefits of attaining evolutionary levels

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All Doctors Again – Dr. Vieth Explains Vitamin D Properly – Superb Stuff

Right, honestly I’ve only just seen this lecture, and my Vitamin D one is already “in the can” ready for post-production and release next week. Slides now released: Forgive me for being rather pleased – Dr. Vieth even covers the evolutionary paradigm here, showing that the suggestion of a 25(OH)D of ~20ng/ml being “normal”

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Atherosclerosis, Revascularisation and Vitamin D Interactions – a Sample

I like the alternative neovascularization theory of atherosclerosis “Athero-Neovasc-Paper“, although in fairness I believe that atheroma, though generally involving neovascularization, have been found showing without, so black swans in there too 🙂 A referenced paper I found interesting is “1958 Lipid keratopathy and atheroma” (all the way from 1958) – it shows a clear precedence for the

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Another Expert who knows what he’s talking about #VitaminD

Right, since finishing the draft of my 25(OH)D seminar content, I’ve been treating myself to finding and watching some of the best in the field displaying their experience. This is a delightful Doc, with a lifetime of experience. He is also very humorous in discussing the Debacle, excellent anger management there considering the reality. A lovely and informative watch

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MUST WATCH if interested in Vitamin D – Toxicity BS Debunked

No-one should ever even discuss Vitamin D toxicity, without fully internalizing this excellent lecture from Dr. Reinhold Vieth, or being fully cognizant of the details independently. Period. I’ll say it again, either populate the field with people of this quality, or get some good systemic, integrative problem-solvers in there. Note: Posted this based on sheer instinct before watching

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Want to Live Longer? Wake up to the Sun.

Finishing draft for the 25(OH)D awareness seminar, and there’s a lot to cover; found Edward Gorham PhD recently and I like him a lot – because he speaks with expertise to a concept that has interesting implications beyond all of the misleading screeches from the cholesterol obsessives; as pointed out, the majority of the Kholesterol Kops don’t even understand the mechanisms behind

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Tiny Triumph for Paleo #LCHF : – Small Study, but dramatic thumbs-up!

Just gotta love this little study – even though it only 32 peeps & two weeks, the dramatic beneficial effects jump out – the blood pressure drop is exactly what I experienced too, even though I hadn’t got any bloods done until 8 weeks in – and yes, they were fantastically improved by then!: “The

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Prof Volek Has Arrived – Media Finally Conveying his LCHF Science !

Professor Volek has finally been picked up by the media in a proper manner; he has been referenced before, but this article in the mainstream Telegraph is quite good by media standards for LCHF coverage. I featured his earlier study in the Cholesterol Conundrum seminar, as it was an excellent illustration of the biochemical reality re human management

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