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PREVIEW: Want to Reverse Your Calcification and Heart Disease? Here’s How!

Want to Reverse Your Calcification and Heart Disease? Biochemist Patrick Theut put in 16,000 hours over many years – and he did it. Find out how in the Fat Emperor Podcast, Episode 21 – releasing Sunday 12th May. Preview here: Subscribe to the Podcast series and don’t miss out on all the other revelations:

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Sam Feltham - Low Carb and Public Health Collaboration UK Podcast 22

Sam Feltham Low Carb and Public Health Collaboration UK – Podcast #22

In today’s podcast we have the vibrant Sam Feltham from the Public Health Collaboration ( – note that there are still some places available for the PHC conference coming up in London on 11th May ( We discuss Sam’s extreme personal experiments with low carb and low fat, and many kernels of what action is

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Dr Andy Phung Fixing Patient Problems with Great Science Podcast 20

Dr Andy Phung Fixing Patient Problems with Great Science Podcast 20

Dr. Andy Phung discovered the key elements of fixing his weight and metabolic issues. Now he’s applying the science in his patient population, with stunning results. Find him at, where he posts on his continual successes. Changing the world – one patient at a time. Here we chat on his journey and insights gained

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Gabor Erdosi on the Primary Issues Which Drive Disease - Part 1

Gabor Erdosi on the Primary Issues Which Drive Disease Part 1/2

 Gabor Erdosi – Master of Molecular Biology / Genetics and King of Root-Cause investigation. We get Gabor’s insights here on what underpins modern chronic disease rates – and the solutions. Need I say more? This one is meaty and comes in two parts – part one content see listing below. PART TWO HERE: INDEX/CONTENT

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Dr. Jay Wrigley on Women's Hormonal Issues - Weightloss and More Podcast 18

Dr. Jay Wrigley on Women’s Hormonal Issues, Weight-loss and More

In today’s podcast release we focus primarily on women’s issues. Dr’ Jay Wrigley is expert in treating hormonal imbalance challenges and explains the nuances involved – this stuff is not simple! We also cover many other topics during the course of the conversation – enjoy! Dr. Wrigley’s website: Transcript/Index/Contents to follow  

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Bill Blanchet MD on Eliminating Heart Attacks...and Much More! Podcast 17

Bill Blanchet MD – Eliminating Heart Attacks…and Much More Podcast #17

Bill Blanchet MD is a cardiologist, preventative intervention expert and also an exceptional expert in cardiovascular imaging.  He has near-eliminated heart attacks and repeat heart attacks in his patients over the last 15+ years. Here we discuss how he achieved this extraordinary feat – get ready for LOTS on intervention wisdom – and some controversial

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My LDL Cholesterol is High, But I’m Not Worried. Here’s Why

I’ve just been sent a great write-up by Mike Roberto (@MicroBerto on Twitter) – on higher cholesterol values and what they may or may not mean – depending on the circumstances.  It features many excerpts from some of my provocative posts, and excellent clips from Dave Feldman’s oeuvre (@DaveKeto). Nice job Mike! Mike Roberto: “Note:

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#Irish Cardiologist with Heart Disease and Scanning Insights – Podcast #11

Dr Paddy Barrett is seriously committed to the prevention and treatment of heart disease. Originally from Galway, Ireland, Dr Barrett completed his medical school training at the University College Dublin. In combination with his cardiology training at the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland he has acquired extensive specialty cardiology training in world class medical

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Sinning with Seed Oils – are Vegetable Oils Healthy? Tucker Goodrich Podcast #10

Sinning with Seed Oils – are Vegetable Oils Healthy? Tucker Goodrich Podcast #10 Key posts by Tucker on seed / vegetable oils: INDEX/CONTENTS: 00:00:00 Tucker’s terrible health issues – stroke, diarrhea, diverticulitis and more 00:05:18 Seed oils and Wheat eliminated – boom! 00:15:22 Rabbit starvation and food cravings 00:20:29 Obesity, diabetes, heart disease epidemics

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Dr. Kenneth Brookler discusses: Insulin, Disease, Tinnitus, Migraine, Meniere’s and Kraft

Download A conversation with Dr. Kenneth Brookler (skull base surgeon and insulin expert) on tinnitus, inner ear disorders, hyperinsulinemia and the work of Dr. Joseph Kraft. We also cover some of the many issues with modern research bias, and knowledge gaps in the medical community with respect to chronic disease root cause. Youtube video at: Subscribe

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