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Cardiologist Bret Scher and Fat Emperor on the Boundless Health Podcast #Insulin #Longevity

Recorded a great chat with Bret a while back on his super podcast – now released but I’m late in posting it. I kept my personal story short, and mostly focused on the interesting stuff ! Link to the fun below: Also via iTunes: Fyi – Dr. Jeff Gerber and I’s book for achieving

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The Widowmaker Movie – It could Save Your Life ! #LCHF

Please share this post to those you care about, and give them chance to avoid the big one. The Widowmaker Movie fascinatingly reveals how big business puts money ahead of saving lives. But you don’t need to be fooled by the shenanigans of the money-grubbers. Find out about the supreme technology to reveal true extent

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Eat Rich Live Long – Kindle version released today ! #LCHF #Longevity

A lot of people have been asking about the Kindle version – well here it is ! At At Please subscribe for free at Supported by – for heart disease awareness and prevention

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Eat Rich Live Long Front Cover

Eat Rich Live Long – Released Today ! #LCHF #Keto #Longevity

Well it’s finally here – family medicine doctor Jeffry Gerber and I now have our book available for all who want to beat chronic disease, aging rather with vigor and vitality. It covers all you need to know about achieving a healthy weight and optimum longevity. Eating rich in terms of nutrient density and ancestral

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#KETOFEST 2018 Launched Today – Get in There !

Well the year has passed quickly indeed since last year’s fun. Ketofest 2017 was a superb event, with plenty of science – but plenty of festival as well.  Now it’s time to rerun the success, but bigger…and even better. Click link below to get details and support the team: It only happens when the community

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How BIG is Undiagnosed #Diabetes in the Population? Answer: HUGE! #CVD

Congrats to our cardiovascular research pals James DiNicolantonio and Catherine Crofts – they’ve just published a brand-new paper on this topic, with Dr. Joseph Kraft’s superb work at its centre 🙂 But how did they contrive to publish this paper…on the very day that our interview with Joe passed 50,000 views? Dunno – guess they’re

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Fat Emperor live and unhinged on Ketogeek’s podcast ;-) #LCHF #Keto #CAC #Longevity

…just taking a moment to blog on my recent podcast with Fahad from Ketogeeks. Covered a ton of stuff, but I’ve timestamped this link to my favorite 15 minute segment: Note I’ve used the Youtube version to enable time-stamping – full podcast options here: Don’t forget to subscribe for free at: ! And see the

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Back on Vinnie Tortorich’s Super Podcast – enjoy the Riff…! #NSNG #Cholesterol

Vinnie needs no introduction – we had another great chat on all that matters, and a little clarification on all that don’t. Callouts for Drs Mike Eades, Jeff Gerber and Ted Naiman – and Dr. Shawn Baker too… 🙂 Tip: just click the “Play Podcast” icon below the Splashscreen, especially if you don’t have

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Aseem Malhotra in Ireland – TV3 AM Interview ! #cholesterol #PHCUK

Had a great meal last night with Aseem, who was in Ireland for a TV interview organised by Maev Creaven (Aseem will be among the great speakers at Maev’s upcoming Irish event: ).‘s David Bobbett hosted the dinner; we had an vibrant discussion on the power of calcium scanning (CAC) and the nutritional

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Ivor Cummins Talk at Cardiology Conference BACPR 2017 London #LCHF

It was an honour and a privilege to speak yesterday at the British Association for Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation (BACPR) annual conference.A huge thanks to President-elect Dr. Scott Murray, President Dr. Joe Mills, Executive Director Sally Hinton and Scientific Officer Dr. Aynsley Cowie – for affording me the opportunity to share an alternative technical view

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The times they are a changin’ – #GLUCOSE #SPIKE Awareness !!!

Well here’s a must-watch. No proper discussion of #insulin, hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance – but significant progress towards root-cause nonetheless. Of course hyperinsulinemia underpins the whole shootin’ match, but we need to wait for everyone to catch up with that. Also they are dangerously obfuscating with their “too thin” warning – being thin is perfectly healthy

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