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Many have asked about Lp(a) – More Later, but here’s a Tasty Morsel

Update Nov 23rd: Fascinating further paper from spittinchips this evening – same idea, Low Fat driving oxLDL and Lp(a) : Update Nov 22nd: Saucy paper from Dr. Patel this morning: Saturated Fat and Lp(a) . Now read the post below, and come back to the latter link(!) Lp(a) is significantly genetics driven, but interactions with

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Landmark Paper: HDL Indicates, HDL Efflux Capacity Dominates –

Thanks Rakesh Patel MD for sending this very recent paper on! – it begins to speak to the heart of the matter; basically HDL Efflux Capacity is showing up as a compelling part of minimizing atherosclerosis and CVD (btw Efflux is HDL particle mediated transport of lipid content out of the macrophage via ATP Binding Cassette

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Important: Carb-Driven sdLDL – Now LOWER LDL Denotes HIGHER Risk – Excellent Papers

I posted recently on the embarrassing fact that Coronary Artery Disease people piling up in the hospitals generally have LOWER LDL values: This speaks to the farce of LDL (i.e. the common measure) as a diagnostic in today’s world.  The reason that the CAD wards are full of lower LDL people, is that the

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Recent IMPROVE IT Party – a Humble Engineering Assessment

Prologue:  Statins are of some use as a part of the inflammation abatement and LDLp reduction approach for secondary prevention, in people with significant Coronary Artery Disease, as mentioned in last post. The latter group have profound damage to their vascular network and are generally in a state of inflammation (including high CRP), making sterol-laden lipoproteins (“Cholesterol”) an aggravating

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Getting Serially Poked about Statins – Some Balanced Thoughts Below

Aggghhh – new resolution: I’m exempting myself from the statin wars – I’m claiming neutrality! My opinion can be summarized thus: Statins etc are very effective in secondary treatment (e.g. in the recent IMPROVE-IT trial you have a large group of profoundly diseased people – a very “special” group – high CRP also) – here we have

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CVD. It’s the Insulin, Stupid. All the way from 1991. Mondo Bizarro..

Insulin, Insulin, Insulin…..a billion years of faithful service, but a Rosetta Stone of modern disease….. This Study was published back in 1991, but its first line indicates the phenomenon was well known since 1970. How on earth has decades of mono-focus cholesterol obsession been maintained, with the Insulin Elephant stomping around the room bellowing in pain?  What

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Moderate Alcohol Consumption, HDL and Wine’s efficacy versus Statins (!)

Update June 2016, nice piece from Bill Lagakos: Recently spent a little time checking alcohol out(!), based on a suggestion by Gearoid O’Laoi re the “high HDL bad” mystery – and I found the following little gem referring to the more reasonable application of C2H5OH ( Moderate Alcohol Study ) – a mere 4

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Vitamin (Well, Critical Hormone) D and CVD/All Cause Death

Getting back to finishing my 25(OH)D Seminar material, after a busy week or two working, and the evenings being eaten up with a foray back into the Cholesterol Shenanigan Space.  Just a single-slide taster below of things to come; yes, these mortality curves do look as severe as the ones for smokers versus non-smokers, don’t they? Wouldn’t want to

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And HDL? Now that’s a Tad More Useful……

Here is a similar analysis for our old friend HDL – the one that pleasantly goes UP with low carb – as the nasty Blood Glucose, Insulin, GGT, HbA1c, and just about every other danger sign goes DOWN. And with low carb the LDL sometimes goes up a little, yes that’s true. But we covered

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LDL – It’s not the “Bad Cholesterol” – That’s Simplistic Foolery in Light of 21st Century Science

UPDATE 9th Oct 2016: Just got this article on the debacle: I had approximated that around 20% of these guys were on lipid-lowering medication, which didn’t change the absurdity of the result. At all. But now this article verifies it – only 21% were on the cholesterol-attacking sauce. Also LDL can drop a bit

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HDL-C Not Predictive Some Say? Fat Emperor Say….But it Is

Added Note 11th Nov: The below post may stand generally, in terms of APoB/ApoA, and HDL-C  itself being linked to ApoA1 as described – but not always – apparent significant proportions of high HDL people presenting with CHD nonetheless; one possible other factor is the elevated HDL associated with excessive (detrimental) alcohol intake (credit to Irelands foremost

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ABSOLUTE MUST-READ PAPERS for Athero-Theoriticians – Fe and Statins

Okay, I’ve been banging on about Serum Ferritin and Iron toxicity w.r.t. Coronary Disease to anyone who’ll listen – and maybe the horses are finally beginning to come in – enjoy: Iron Control versus Statins for Coronary Disease “in the youngest quartile at entry there were highly significant reductions in all cause mortality and in combined death

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Atherosclerosis Rough Root Cause Diagram – for Discussion

Had great fun in past couple of days wrangling about the root causes of Atherosclerosis and Vulnerable plaques with @PauliOhukainen  and @brianedwardsmd; from-the-hip, freestyle and in-yer-face stuff – these guys are great sparring partners! I drafted out the above Root Cause Diagram to pictorially represent a personal view of Atherosclerosis, and perhaps help with the discussion; there are copious references

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ALL Atherosclerosis Theoriticians Should Peruse This

Is Vladimir incorrect? Surely he must be, in spite of his apparent erudition in the sphere? ALL of the masses can’t be wrong, right? Oh wait – they were wrong about Fat. And Dietary Cholesterol. And Sugar. And Salt. And Vegetable Oil. And Trans-Fats. And the relevance of Total Serum Cholesterol. And LDL-C. And smoking, way back. So

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Briefly revisiting the Sugar Bogeyman – and a snippit on that nasty wheat

Instructive video on the habit-forming nature of sugar via dopamine receptors – short and……….sweet. Worth remembering that refined wheat grains (loaded with glucose) can have similar effects depending on one’s makeup – and with their gliadin, WGA, gluten and other nasty proteins never intended for humans, they’ll undermine your gut health also…. …and it’s not

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Another one for all Docs to hear: Dr. Ted Naiman with Jimmy Moore

What a conversation; really gets to the “heart” of the matter.  Listening to Ted’s clear pattern recognition and instinctive drive to the root cause of a complex issue, focusing always on the data, researching avidly, and capturing the technical inferences from the empirical observations, all the while free from inappropriate bias – bloody hell, you’d almost think he was

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2012 Heart Disease Statistics – Interesting Snippits

Just perusing the BHF report from 2012; this is not an analysis, I don’t have the time or the energy especially as the dataset is limited in ways – this is just a bit of Saturday night fun with figures: From the 1980’s until recently, the rate of smoking (a major driver of coronary disease)

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All Doctors Should Watch This – At Least Twice, if not More…

Just watched a recent lecture by Prof. Ken Sikaris, which brought me down memory lane to my time preparing the Cholesterol Conundrum seminar. Ken has the core of the issue down pat, and in this performance manages to summarize the key aspects most admirably. No doctor should be assessing and advising on cardiac risk without internalizing this content

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Must-Read Book: Deadly Medicines and Organised Crime

“Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive” Sir Walter Scott, Marmion, Canto vi. Stanza 17 Attended a talk by Professor Peter Gotzsche last night, and as expected it was excellent; Peter combines extraordinary expertise, incredible erudition, a palpable feeling towards the victims, and a visceral anger at the dangerous disgrace that the modern pharmaceutical

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Atherosclerosis Hypothesis – Love the Logic

I like the way this hypothesis is put together – very logical, and there are a few other works that indicate same phenomenon;  why is there not more discourse in the literature around this mechanism?  Why indeed: And another one below in similar vein – or maybe that should be…….artery? Vasa Vasorum Am J Med

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DIABETES – A Modern Epidemic – and Debacle….

Just a quick post this evening on an avoidable epidemic of our times, which has reached disgraceful levels, and is proceeding towards unforgivable ones.  Type II Diabetes Mellitus is essentially a disease of Carbohydrate intolerance, driven unsurprisingly by the excessive ingestion of carbohydrate over ones lifetime in today’s unnatural food environment.  Interestingly, it used to

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Uffe Ravnskov MD PhD – The Cholesterol Myths

Uffe has kindly made one of his original books available for free – engineers, scientists and indeed anyone familiar with problem solving logic will find their interest piqued. Always, always question hypotheses and interrogate exceptions, before coming to a proven rule.  Foreword by Michael Gurr PhD, who wrote a defining text on Biochemistry, and an excellent

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By Jupiter! (Obfuscation Writ Large…..)

I generally focus on the raw science of human health, but I went through a brief period of being interested in some of the major medications out there; to wit – how they compare in efficacy to a properly constructed diet, and the maintenance of critical parameters for healthy physiology such as w6/w3 balance, and 25 Hydroxy

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“The Big Fat Surprise” by Nina Teicholz – Book Review

“Alas, thou hast misconstrued everything” (Julius Caesar 5.3.83) So spoke Titanius to Cassius’ body before turning his sword on himself, realising that Cassius had misunderstood the signs of battle, and now all was lost.  Sadly, the legions of academics who totally misconstrued the place of dietary fat and cholesterol in human disease are not so

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